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Reiki is a Japanese healing technique used to relax and support physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

How does Reiki work? Reiki has been studied and explained in the world of quantum physics in terms of frequency. Physicists have found that our bodies, including our emotions and thoughts, have measurable frequencies. By understanding and using our natural ability to give and receive frequencies, Reiki Practitioners learn to offer "higher frequencies" to clients to support pain relief, emotional peace, and spiritual freedom. In many lineages of Reiki, it is taught that our energy can become blocked or stagnant. This can happen from injury, emotional trauma, chronic stress, poor diet, etc. Through training, anyone can learn to detect energetic blockages in themselves and others (it's a sign of being in tune with our bodies). These blocks and stagnations are thought to be responsible for (or at least contribute to) any state of disharmony or dis-ease: physical conditions, emotional dysregulation, and problems within the mind and spirit. The "higher frequencies" that a Reiki Practitioner is taught to use can dissolve energetic blocks and move along stagnation, therefore promoting health and creating a harmonious being.

What conditions does Reiki help with? Because Reiki works with natural frequencies, there are no contraindications, meaning it works with all conditions. Reiki is commonly sought after as a natural alternative to support anxiety, depression, physical pain, and overthinking. Our clients often find improvements in sleep, chronic conditions (especially Hashimoto’s, Crohn’s Disease and IBS), relationship harmony, creativity, peacefulness, and memory. We have even supported clients through concussion symptoms, genetic bone conditions, cancer recovery (Heather’s specialty), and grief and loss. Reiki can also support relief from sunburn, colds/flus, headaches and migraines, chronic feeling of overwhelm, food sensitivities, and allergies. During the session, clients often feel the immediate benefits of peacefulness, muscular relaxation, and the feeling of “everything is going to be okay.” Our bodies all respond differently to Reiki for a variety of factors. After a session, you may feel tired or more energized, hungry or thirsty, or calm and happy. If unfelt emotional content was addressed, you may notice grief, sadness, anger, or other emotions making way for a greater sense of peacefulness. The main long-term benefit we hear from clients after multiple Reiki treatments is “I had a situation that would have made me [angry, scared, sad], but this time it didn’t bother me. I felt calm and was able to continue on with my day!”

Which Reiki Practitioner is best for you? Each Reiki Practitioner is different for many reasons: professional experience, how they were taught, their personal experience using Reiki, etc. Reiki is an opportunity to relax for your well-being, so your Practitioner should be someone you feel safe with. We have a few tips for finding a Reiki Practitioner who's a good fit for you: 1.Check their experience: if you feel that your current state of well-being is complex, you might choose to go with a Reiki Practitioner with years of experience, or even experience working successfully with your conditions. If you’re simply wanting to give Reiki a try, and you feel that you are generally healthy, a newer Practitioner might be a good fit! 2.Check their training: like many professions, there are thousands of different styles of Reiki and many quick roads to certification. It may be helpful for you to research which lineage your prospective Practitioner learned, so you can decide if that treatment style is a good fit for you. Additionally, many people are attending 4-12 hours of Reiki trainings before accepting clients, which is often not sufficient to support your well-being in the way it deserves. Many of our Practitioners are Reiki Masters (meaning they have completed at least 3 levels of Reiki) each level lasting 2-3 days, hold certifications in multiple forms of Reiki, and spent well over 50+ hours in Reiki trainings (some up to 100+ hours). Why is this important? We have met too many clients who had experiences with Practitioners who didn’t offer what they expected, or spent hundreds of dollars because the Practitioner convinced them they were cursed, broken, or had “invisible, dark” energy stuck to them (getting them into a scared state, where they felt forced to pay for sessions). We believe it’s not your job to know these intricate differences between Practitioners, so we try to educate our prospective clients, as it can really make a difference in your experience. 3.Book a Consultation (or give them a call, if they don't offer a consultation): what better way to get a feel for someone than talking to them! This is a great opportunity to share with them your concerns/why you want to try Reiki, and to hear their response. ~Does their response make sense to you? ~Does their response feel aligned with your expectations? ~Does this person feel safe to you? We are so passionate about Reiki here, as we have all had personal successes, and we wish for our community to have the same opportunities we did! We hope this checklist helps you to find a great Reiki Practitioner for you.

Our Reiki Practitioners

Go to the "Staff" page to learn about each of us! To learn more about our unique approaches, you can select our name or image below.

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